My monthly blog streak is now 2! September was another fast month. We began with a fun Labor day weekend. Our friend Gilbert was back in town for a night which meant trouble at Fat Face Fenners.
Another exciting event this month was the Labor Day Sales for mens suits. After having one suit for the last few years I finally got another one along with two new sports coats, some shirts and ties, and a belt. This was good timing as I had a brief encounter with the VP of Boeing and looked pretty snazzy in my new outfit.
The following weekend, we made a road trip to Tuscon for a quick get away. Lisa hadn’t been back to see her alma mater since she graduated. We had a great first evening with my cousin Jeff, Michelle, and baby Cliff. Saturday we walked around campus, saw Lisa’s sorority house, and laughed repeatedly as Lisa jumped in excitement each time she saw an old bar that she used to visit! We had some lunch and drinks in the downtown area. The Dintleman’s made a brief appearance, but it was a little too hot for Cliff’s taste. We made a stop at the bookstore to get some new shirts. Then back to the hotel to change and had a few beers at the hotel bar, which used to be called the Regal Beagle (“it hasn’t been called that for a really long time”…said the bartender). This really made Lisa feel old!!!! I guess it has been 10 years since she graduated college. By this time most of our crew was together, Josie, Abalos, Susan, Amelia, Lisa, and I. Our psuedo-tailgate was at Champions and then we went to the Stanford vs UofA football game. Jeff and his friend Bill met us at the game. Such a good time with a Stanford win! Finally the night got pretty loud at Dirt Bags and the Trident bar. We had a lot of fun in Tuscon and had a great time seeing everyone.
The next weekend we went to a big rock concert called the KROQ Epicenter. I don’t think Lisa cared for the music much, but I had a great time. An unexpected surprise was hearing the old singer from House of Pain sing “Jump Around” with his old DJ present.
For the last week, Lisa had Thurdsay off so I decided to skip out of work early and we had a nice walk along the beach and steaks for dinner.
Looking at our calendar the rest of the year looks to be busy with trip for Lisa to Phoenix, a visit to Denver, I’m in DC for work for a week, a visit to Rollie and Jeni’s new home and the Stanford vs Oregon game, Thanksgiving in Farmington….and work somewhere in between.
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