So back when I wrote that the website was back up I mentioned the PS3 Media Server. This is a great free program that will allow you you stream pictures, music, and videos from your pc to your PS3.
Well I have been having a bit of a problem, but I just figured it out and thought I’d type about it.
The problem: Network drive folders are not showing up on the PS3.
The Observables: Prior to making the PS3 operate as a service everything worked fine. When I clicked on the “Install as Windows Service” button on the “General Configurations” tab.
The Solution: After reading through the PS3 Media Server forum I came across this thread which suggested that the solution was how the service was being run. I added to the thread for my solution, but here it is again. It turns out that I did have to go into the PS3 Media Server Service settings and from the “Log On” tab change the log to use “This account” and not a “Local System account”. Make sure you use the Browse button, enter your user name and then click “Check Names” button to ensure that the user account name is correct. For me it came out as ‘.\UserName’ sans-apostrophe. Next type in your password, even though there are dots, and click apply. It should tell you to then stop the service and press start again for the settings to take place. Once I did this my network drives all work. I suppose the other option is to change the permissions on how my drives are mapped, but since this is working I’m done.
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