I ran into issues with the latest phpmyadmin. seems like there is a real bug in 4.9.2 that won’t let cookies work at the moment. I tried a lower version, but had different problems. I’ve been providing some feedback through Issue #15634. In the meantime, I’ve turned to Adminer. It’s a single small php file and worked first time. Given the hours I’ve spent with phpmyadmin and the limited need I have to edit the SQL database, Adminer is my new goto tool
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Tags: phpmyadmin
After the PHP Upgrade I noticed that PHPmyAdmin wasn’t working. After messing around with this a bit I decided to go ahead and upgrade MySQL to 8.0. Things have changed a lot since I did 5.5, but after getting the new installer things went ok. I failed the first time at importing the old database into the new one so bad that I ruin the root login. After an uninstall and clean install I successfully migrated the data with the migration tool. WordPress wasn’t working. After a little digging it looks like the users from the old database didn’t really migrate. So after setting up the WordPress User account again things worked no problem. With that complete, PHPmyAdmin still doesn’t work. Also, Raspberry Pints doesn’t work with the new SHA2 encryption. To help here I reconfigured MySQL for backward compatibility to 5.X. That almost worked, but now I need to go redo all the hacks that I made to get raspberry pints to work the first time.
Tags: mysql, phpmyadmin, raspberry pints
I successfully upgraded PHP and still have my wordpress site working! I hadn’t touched a PHP upgrade since I setup my server a while ago. I thought this was going to be a disaster, but it wasn’t too bad. I discovered my spam blocker ad was no longer supported which created errors the first night I tried to jump to PHP 7.X. To figure this out, I deactivated all plugins and changed to a basic theme. Then I upgraded to PHP 7.X and individually turned on each plugin and restored the theme. When I hit the spam blocker plugin it was clear this was the problem from the first night. Next up trying to upgrade Apache….
Tags: php
I discovered that many excel save problems I’ve been having are a result of the “new” Google Backup Sync program. In Windows MS Office when a file is open it creates a ~filename temp/lock file. With BackupSync running, it would backup/copy this file and somehow it wouldn’t release the file. Then when saving in Excel the save would fail.
So I decided to only turn Backupsync at night and then turn off 2 hours later. That should be enough time to copy everything from the previous day and if not it should eventually catch up.
To turn it on I setup a TaskManager task to simple trigger at 3am and start the program.
To turn it off is a bit more complicated. In the end I created a .bat file based on this post. Which resulted in the code below. From there I have another TaskManager task to run the .bat file at 5am
tasklist /fi “imagename eq googledrivesync.exe” | find “:” > nul
if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im “googledrivesync.exe”
I replaced the main board and now it just resets, flashes, and repeats. Any suggestions?