I discovered that many excel save problems I’ve been having are a result of the “new” Google Backup Sync program. In Windows MS Office when a file is open it creates a ~filename temp/lock file. With BackupSync running, it would backup/copy this file and somehow it wouldn’t release the file. Then when saving in Excel the save would fail.
So I decided to only turn Backupsync at night and then turn off 2 hours later. That should be enough time to copy everything from the previous day and if not it should eventually catch up.
To turn it on I setup a TaskManager task to simple trigger at 3am and start the program.
To turn it off is a bit more complicated. In the end I created a .bat file based on this post. Which resulted in the code below. From there I have another TaskManager task to run the .bat file at 5am
tasklist /fi “imagename eq googledrivesync.exe” | find “:” > nul
if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im “googledrivesync.exe”
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