Beer Name: Fighting Irish Red
Style: Irish Red
Alcohol: 6.87%
Color: 28
My second successful all-grain beer! I decided to make a few adjustments to the original recipe. I upped the grain bill instead of adding honey to keep the same ABV and replaced the 2 row pale ale with Maris Otter Pale to allow for a thicker mouth feel. I tried it 2.5 weeks after bottling while home for thanksgiving and it was okay. After 6 weeks the beer has hit its stride and is pretty nice. The beer came out smooth, malty, and very tasty. The head is a little off and collapses pretty fast, but it appears to be carbonated about right. Definitely worth doing again, but I might make some minor adjustments to the hop schedule.
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My Brew Notes
Execution Notes
I’ve always used RO water as I didn’t know what was in my home water for a long time. When I finally figured out my water I learned that it comes from two sources which are pretty much on the opposite side of the spectrum and there is no way to know what is coming out when. So I’ve continued to use RO water which is cheap at the filling station next to the grocery store (30 cents per gallon). This was the first time I tried doing water adjustments from the RO water. I bought some things last minute, but didn’t have anything to make Chloride adjustments. I’ll work to get better at this, but was focused on doing too little rather than too much.
Had similar issue with the mashing again where I started hotter than planned and then dropped about 8 degrees over the coarse of the mash. My numbers came out okay, so nothing to worry about on this batch but certainly something to work on.
I tried using a little pump from ebay to do a whirlpool (not a real whirlpool, but enough to keep the wort moving over the coils when chilling), but clearly wasn’t ready as I fussed with that for about 20-30 mins before giving up and just using a spoon to stir.
Other minor notes. My measurements don’t seem to be too accurate as I gained wort from the post boil measurement to the fermenter. Need to get better at that. I allowed for 30 mins for the trub to settle and then used my filters for the post boil transfer which resulted in a very low sediment in the fermenter. I collected the yeast into a clean spagetti jar as practice for yeast washing. The yeast came out really clean and if I do things right (sterile jar and water) it seems I can start re-using yeast in the future.
Recipe Info
- My Recipe: Brewtoad
- Recipe Source: derived from Raging Red Irish Red Ale
- Schedule Link: #10
Water Adjustment
Recommendations for next time
- When compared to a Red Seal Irish Red mine is more malty and not as hopped. I think I’ll slightly up my hops a bit next time, but not too much.
- Get pump to work
- Take better measurements
- Try harvesting yeast
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