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Here are the plans for our backpacking trip.  Post Comments and Questions if you have any.

Who: Brian, Lisa, Tom, Suzzane, Amelia, Doug
When: Friday 7/29 – Sunday 7/31
Where: Ediza Lake (outside of Mammoth)

Sample Photo (Not Ours…yet)

Sunrise at Ediza Lake)

Travel Plans

7/28:  Arrive at the Lisa’s Grandparents house at Mammoth

  • Suzzane and Lisa are leaving early Thursday morning to get the backpacking permits
  • Brian, Tom, Doug, and Amelia will leave after traffic

7/29:  Take the shuttle down to Agnes Meadow at 8am.  Hike to Shadow lake

7/30:  Lounge Day.  Hike to Glacier lake, fish, and fun

7/31:  Pack out and drive home 🙁

Gear List (not final):  Supply List

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